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STS Lightering

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The Bahamas is emerging as one of the premier locations for carrying out Ship-to-Ship transfer operations in the Caribbean region. With the expansion of the Panama Canal and the anticipated increase in the movement of petroleum products into the USA and Canada; Ship Mate Ltd can offer many advantages in choosing the Bahamas for your operation.

We can coordinate with government agencies, organize necessary quipment and secure appropriate Mooring Masters.

Ship Mate Ltd. is licensed by The Bahamas Government to facilitate lightering operations in Bahamian Territorial waters, and remain ready to assist with the STS process from beginning to end. Our experience as being ship agents also play a role in our readiness and willingness to respond to our clients needs.

Geographically the Bahamas is very well situated for transshipment and lightering; we have the largest container port, dry-docking facility and oil storage.

The Bahamas has been used by many of the oil majors in the past however; recent regulatory development makes it easier and safer for STS operations.

We invite you to take another look at the developments in the Caribbean and the opportunities there in.

At Ship Mate Ltd we are committed to safety and pollution prevention we are also dedicated to quality service.